
Selected publications/pre-prints

  • Brill, RS, Yurko, R, and Wyner, AJ. “Analytics, have some humility: a statistical view of fourth-down decision making.” The American Statistician, 2025.
  • Brill, RS and Wyner, AJ. “Introducing Grid WAR: Rethinking WAR for starting pitchers.” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 2024.
  • Brill, RS and Wyner, AJ. “The Loser’s Curse and the Critical Role of the Utility Function.”
  • Brill, RS, Wyner, AJ, and Barnett, IJ. “Entropy-based strategies for multi-bracket pools.” Entropy, 2024.
  • Brill, RS, Deshpande, SK, and Wyner, AJ. “A Bayesian analysis of the time through the order penalty in baseball.” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 2023.
  • Brill, RS, Jacobson, C, Lipitz, J, and Pipping, J. “Safety Entropy.” NFL Big Data Bowl, 2025. Finalist.

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