Statistics via Sports: Summer Lab 2024

Daily format

  • 1 to 2 hour lecture
  • Hands-on active learning lab where you will analyze a real-world sports dataset

Regression modeling

Frequentist statistical inference and uncertainty quantification

Shrinkage & Bayesian statistics

Machine learning


If I had more time

  • Topics included purely as labs that deserve their own lecture
    • Selection bias
    • Parametric inference
  • Topics alluded to in class that deserve their own lecture
    • Multicollinearity
  • Other topics
    • Tracking data
    • Causal inference
      • Regression (observational studies) is Not causation
      • Randomized controlled trials
    • Miscellaneous
      • Soft clustering (GMMs & EM algorithm)
      • Rare events
      • Multiple hypothesis testing (Bonferroni correction & Benjamini Hochberg)
      • GEV distribution for max race running time

Ryan S. Brill
Applied Math PhD Student